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Second O'Keefe Audit Report Leaked to Sage Ops: Remediation Recommendations

DOWNLOAD - O'keefe Audit Remediation Recommendations: Rule #1-' Ensure that no executive is allowed to create a cult of personality around themselves.'
This story was originally posted on September 1, 2023 on Twitter/X: @SageOps_
I. Key Executive Controls A. Ensure that no executive is allowed to create a cult of personality around themselves. B. Ensure employment agreements with key executives explicitly prohibit belittling or diminishing employees and their contributions to the organization.

C. Ensure employment agreements with key executives explicitly require promptness and attendance where promised. D. Ensure employment agreements with key executives explicitly require compliance with all financial controls and processes, including travel and event expenses.

E. Ensure employment agreements with key executives make clear that, unless otherwise agreed, any work completed while they work for the organization is the property of the organization.

F. Ensure employment agreements with key executives explicitly require separation of personal and work social media, email, and other accounts. G. Ensure employment agreements with key executives explicitly require separation of personal and work social media, email, and other accounts.

H. Ensure employment agreements with executives define and limit their ability to mandate where and how employees work.

I. Ensure employment agreements with executives require the executive to pay last-minute change or cancellation fees due to personal choices or behaviors.

J. Ensure key executives are creating positive rather than negative connections with donors

K. Ensure executive terminations are thoughtfully considered. L. Require intensive employment law training (harassment, discrimination, retaliation, etc.) for key executives
M. Consider basing a meaningful component of key executive compensation on meeting workplace and financial conduct standards.

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